i am here to create innovative ànd sustainable underwear and swimwear that is the perfect foundation to support and express your identity in all its splendid flavors.
i promise to be the brand that merges the abundance and glamour of fashion with the diligence and finesse of craftsmanship, resulting in guilt-free products that aspire, transgressing the norm.

at la fille d’O we like to emphasize the -logical in eco-logical. we do not work with recycled fibers as they are more energy-needy than virgin materials and they are not as long-lasting. we choose to work with the highest quality materials only, that are sourced as local as possible. with every chance we get we choose to upgrade with what performant novelty the market has to offer. we recently switched all our fabrics to PENN ITALY since they present us better performance in their production line and smaller minimum quantity per colour, which allows us to offer more colors to you, without the risk of waste creation. all of our suppliers are OECO-TEX certified to make sure we can offer you harm-free, toxic-free, and low-impact lingerie. (low-impact on the environment, that is. i aim to be high impact when it comes to your mind and senses and i am not sorry)
our list of suppliers:

it’s fun to be a fashion designer, unless you know the ways of (fashion) world. then your conscience kicks in. the more i learned about the industry, the more i long to challenge it. this is the very reason la fille d’O was invoked in the first place! i do not like compromise. not if it makes a product less good. i wanted lingerie to be stunningly beautiful and surprising ànd to be fairly and sustainably made ànd i wanted it to reconsider our ‘beauty’ standards, which exclude most people out. as a virgo and a pattern-making nerd, i decided i wanted to d’O better.
i design from the rules on up. when reality presents itself to me as a blind wall, i will make windows and doors if i can and must.
i created my own sizing system that was baptized ‘easy sizing’ by someone who copied it. so let’s call it EASY SIZING from now on, shall we. this EASY SIZING allows for a cleaner design and more personal adjustment ànd an integrated way to combat the loss of elasticity in your product.
all my designs are considering made-to-measure adjustments that need to be done. you can ask for alterations in our stores, if needed. after over 20 years of experience i managed to create a product with a size range that fits most as it is, so we are able to lose the clutter of adjustable straps, unless they are an asset. aesthetics are a priority around here, but i will always back it up by comfort and logic as much as i can.
we were the first brand to create a lingerie collection designed with both the AMAB and AFAB body in mind, even during transition as i love the idea that i can support every-body that loves my aesthetic and ethic. throughout my collection you will see a myriad of AMAB or AFAB people presenting themselves however they desire and i will make the lingerie to support their every need. this is why you will also come across the terms ‘FLAT FIT’ or ‘BOTTOM CUP’. a FLAT FIT is a design without visible darts that can be worn by various bodies, where you rely on the elasticity of the fabric. there will be some flattening effect. a TOP or BOTTOM CUP is designed to create space on the chest or crotch, resulting in a more pronounced look and feel.
most of our design can be adjusted for prosthetics should you need one. please reach out for an appointment in our ghent studio should you wish to discuss.

i believe one can not claim to create an ‘empowering’ product if not everyone involved feels empowered, especially the parties usually more invisible. our full production is made here in our crazy homecountry: BELGIUM! belgium is home of surrealism, new beat and chocolate so it is safe to say we are crazy but our intentions are good. if you every wonder why our product comes at a certain price, look no further: a local production is unfortunately an expensive one. all our most time intensive activities are done here in belgium: design, product development, fittings, cutting, production. the relocating only happens ones you take our underwear traveling so send me them selfies and share some of the fun and vitamine D!

ever since i started my brand in 2003 i had to make choices. none of them are inspired by the fashion police or the sustainability police. i use my own judgement to do what feels best to me. to resulted in a company that if fully owned by me, free from any investors or controlling organs outside of me and my full female team. as much as i can, i will choose to work with a woman, especially when it comes to powerful positions like lawyers, banks and other decision makers. i believe women make the world go round and we need a whole lot of that YIN energy to counter the YANG overload we find ourselves in at the moment. yes, we are a feminist company. no, we do not hate men. bien au contraire. i need male energy to enable me to be fully present in my female energy, much like the night needs the day. yes, we are and always will be outspoken on the topics that touch us.
beauty. well being. health. female reproductive rights or lack thereof. period poverty. lgbtqia+ rights. the representation of people of all colour and size and age matters and we will continue to d’O so, until you feel seen, supported and loved.
all our images are photoshop free and i am aware this can be confronting for some. i am not here to shock. i am here to show you what i find beauty-full and i hope you can look again until you can lay those kind eyes on your own reflection just the same.
i am no rebel, though i am often mistaken for one. i do not consider it an act of rebellion, to be a female-first, fair, local and innovative entrepreneur. this is my normal. to speak up about the system and fashion industry that has total lack of any factor of fair, local or even conscious entrepreneurism: that is indeed an act of rebellion, especially if one navigates in that system’s perimeter. if you cant beat them, join them. and create change from the inside. not by judgement or pointed fingers, but ‘simply’ to lead by example. la fille d’O was born from a very selfish need: lingerie without compromise. not aesthetically, not ethically. not when it comes to representation either. i never saw her, the girl i wanted to become. the woman i want to become. the wise-woman i aspire to be. so i decided to conjure her. to assemble her from all the bits and pieces of people and their stories i gathered over the years. la fille (daughter of) d’O is exactly that. an alter ego for the person i was not yet ready to be, simply because we still needed to invent her. which i did. for the both of us. an alter ego can be the perfect excuse. someone stronger and bolder than you, to test the waters when one is too afraid to swim.
since 2003 la fille d’O has been the big bold sister i never had. she has invited and motivated me to become. to grow. to try and fail. to challenge. to see with kind, new eyes. to see beauty as it was designed to exist, not reduced to the superficial diluted concept of beauty we now accept to be true. i saw beauty, because you showed it to me again and again. i am ever so grateful we get to d’O this together and i hope la fille d’O can guide you as she guided me.
aultre ne veulx estre.